Rio Tinto, a global mining leader, faced scalability and frequency issues with their analogue communication system as they expanded to 15 sites. Simoco’s P25 Phase 1 trunked technology upgrade enhanced efficiency, reduced costs, and improved operational control, making their communication system robust and future-proof.
City of Victor Harbor Council
The City of Victor Harbor, situated 80 km south of Adelaide, faced a significant challenge in ensuring the safety of its employees working in remote areas with limited or no phone coverage. The council was relying on a single-site analogue radio system using Simoco SRM mobile radios on a trunking network primarily for voice communication. However, this system did not provide the necessary safety features required to manage emergencies efficiently.
Toowoomba Regional Council
Telstra’s chosen partner for the project, Simoco Wireless Solutions designed, installed, and provided maintenance for a 10 site DMR Tier III digital radio network with over 700 terminals. As a result, radio coverage for mission critical voice was increased from around 60% to over 90% with the added benefit of automatic vehicle location (AVL) to track the Council’s fleet of vehicles.
Télécommunications de l’Est
TDE operates across a vast territory of 1,000,000 square kilometers, including the Bas-Saint-Laurent, Gaspésie, North Shore and northern New Brunswick regions of Canada. Many of these areas have mountainous and rugged terrain, resulting in limited cellular coverage. TDE had already established several analogue VHF radio systems in the region, however, in order to provide customers with additional services and improved voice quality, TDE was looking to move away from aging technology to a digital radio trunking network.
State Transit Authority of NSW
In order to keep road networks safe, operational staff require a communications solution that meets the challenges presented by noisy, inaccessible and busy environments. Sydney Buses in Australia is no exception, and its operator, State Transit Authority of New South Wales, has relied heavily on Simoco’s radio technologies for many years to meet the needs for its drivers across varied locations in both Sydney and Newcastle.
Solano County
SECA’s objectives were to determine the County’s needs and formulate a plan to put in place an interoperable radio system that would operate across the entire county in the event of mutual aid emergencies and disasters. With grant funding behind them, the team went out with an RFP and began the process of designing and selecting a system.
Sedona Fire
The objectives of the system were to enable reliable radio communications throughout the greater Sedona area on the same RF channel whilst being easy to maintain with equipment as similar as possible to existing systems. The key challenge being to manage the overlapping coverage, deep canyons and low lying zones with three transmit and nine receive sites throughout the coverage area.
New Brunswick
There’s no question that public safety communication is critical. Emergency services around the world depend on reliable radio systems to deliver wide area coverage in times of need. Without such systems, people’s lives and property are at risk of being in serious danger.
Mountain Rescue
Like many organisations, MREW’s various teams were using analogue radio systems consisting of a range of portable and mobile radios, and associated base stations. These radios deliver robust and reliable communications but are limited to coverage and interference issues and the audio quality they offer is no longer the best available.
Middle East Petrochemical Plant
Robust communications in the oil and gas industry is of paramount importance to ensure all staff within the organisation is equipped with rugged and reliable communication tools to support real time collaboration and decision making. This not only improves productivity, but also improves safety levels.
Manufacturing Paper Plant
The large manufacturing paper plant, based in Scandinavia, produces high quality paper from a range of renewable sources. The plant currently operates across numerous sites in difficult forestry settings and uses a mobile radio network for providing critical communications throughout the area for strong and reliable coverage as well as providing operational safety for their employees.
Kazakhstan China Pipeline
Projects don’t come bigger or more challenging than the Kazakhstan-China Pipeline (KCP): delivering state of the art radio technology in one the world’s most remote location in largely dessert conditions. So when Radio communications specialist Simoco Wireless Solutions was asked to look at how best to address the challenge it became clear that convention could not be the convention in this case.